
Rohan Prakashan

  • Eureka Club Add To Cart

    Eureka Club

    युरेका क्लब

    ₹ 100

    Eureka Club' is a club of students. In this club they discuss about the work of scientists, their li...

    10% Discount
  • Amcha Balpan Add To Cart

    Amcha Balpan

    आमचं बालपण

    ₹ 125

    Biographical account of childhoods of 6 eminent people

    10% Discount
  • Striyansathi Yog Add To Cart

    Striyansathi Yog

    स्त्रियांसाठी योग

    ₹ 300

    A complete Yoga guide for women written by Guru B K S Iyengars daughter, also a Yoga Guru.

    10% Discount
  • Shanti Yog Add To Cart

    Shanti Yog

    शांती योग

    ₹ 375

    Yoga is very effective therapy for todays lifestyle. Geeta Iyangar, has impressively narrated the im...

    10% Discount
  • Aadhyatmik Vicharatun Samjutdar Palakatva Add To Cart

    Aadhyatmik Vicharatu...

    अध्यात्मिक विचारातून समजूत...

    ₹ 100

    In this book Gopika Kapoor gives some really important and very simple tips for parenting. She has d...

    10% Discount
  • Aadhyatmik Vicharatun Aanandamayi Garodarpan Add To Cart

    Aadhyatmik Vicharatu...

    अध्यात्मिक विचारातून आनंदम...

    ₹ 100

    In this book Gopika Kapoor gives some really important & very simple tips for healthy and happy preg...

    10% Discount
  • Diet Doctor Add To Cart

    Diet Doctor

    डाएट डॉक्टर

    ₹ 150

    Want to learn to lose weight in a controlled, easy and scientifically sound way and keep it off? The...

    10% Discount
  • Batmimagchi Batmi Add To Cart

    Batmimagchi Batmi

    बातमीमागची बातमी

    ₹ 200

    Renowned senior journalist of Maharastra Times, Mr. Jayprakash Pradhan in this interesting book has ...

    10% Discount
  • Offbeat Bhatkanti Add To Cart

    Offbeat Bhatkanti

    ऑफबीट भटकंती

    ₹ 240

    Jayprakash Pradhan has travelled a lot around the world. And he has visited 64 countries so far. Thr...

    10% Discount
  • Offbeat Bhatkanti 2 Add To Cart

    Offbeat Bhatkanti 2

    ऑफबीट भटकंती भाग २

    ₹ 240

    This is the secend part of Offbeat Bhatkanti. Mr. & Mrs. Pradhan have travelled many offbeat places...

    10% Discount
  • Offbeat Bhatkanti - 3 Add To Cart

    Offbeat Bhatkanti - ...

    ऑफबीट भटकंती भाग ३

    ₹ 240

    This is the third part of Offbeat Bhatkanti. The first part was published in 2014, second in 2015 &...

    10% Discount
  • Offbeat Bhatkanti Set Add To Cart

    Offbeat Bhatkanti Se...

    ऑफबीट भटकंती संच

    ₹ 1020

    This is a set of 3 parts of Offbeat Bhatkanti - in which information of offbeat destination in many ...

    10% Discount
  • Majhya Vidyarthi Mitranno Add To Cart

    Majhya Vidyarthi Mit...

    माझ्या विद्यार्थी मित्रांन...

    ₹ 195

    This is a compilation of Hon. Yashwantrao Chavan's speeches given on the occasion of Convocation c...

    10% Discount
  • Manapoorvak Khushwant Add To Cart

    Manapoorvak Khushwan...

    मनपूर्वक खुशवंत

    ₹ 125

    Khushwant Singh has been witness to almost all the major events in modern Indian history and has k...

    10% Discount
  • Shaheed Add To Cart



    ₹ 300

    In Without Fear: The Life and Trial of Bhagat Singh, Kuldip Nayar takes a close look at the man behi...

    10% Discount