How to develop a professional attitude in every aspect of life
Today's teenagers are our smartest generation yet. They are tomorrow's entrepreneurs, investors, man...
In this do-it-yourself workbook that is meant as a companion volume to Tumcha Saccha Sathidar, Bagch...
How to run a beauty parlour
Guidance to be a high performance entrepreneur
In this book well known builder Mr. Suresh Haware has discussed many beliefs and miss beliefs attach...
The book shows us the art of creating a positive impression through the ABC of good manners: Appeara...
२३ उद्योजकांशी साधलेल्या संवादातून उ...
टेक फ्लाईट
बोर्डरूम बॅटल
‘फोर्ड’ कारखान्यात सुरुवातीला फक्त क...
वाणिज्य शाखा -क्रमिक पुस्तक